Modified on: 28/11/2024
Marijuana (legal and not) and pregnancy
Pregnancy represents, for every future mother and every child, one of the most delicate periods of all: during the 9 months of gestation, in fact, the fetus passes through all the formation and development passages in the mother’s uterus, entirely depending on her body for nutrients and immune defenses.
On the other hand, a woman’s pregnancy can lead to nausea, stomach acid, joint pain, anxiety or stress, all of which the woman is forced to live with since the administration of drugs is strongly discouraged except in exceptional cases.
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Along with drugs, other substances such as alcohol and tobacco are also not recommended, as they can intervene in the child’s development process. Among the substances not recommended, there is also legal and not marijuana.
Numerous scientific studies, including those of the Obstetrics and Gynecology Division of the Department of Anti-Drug Policies and the National Early Warning System, have shown that THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) has a negative impact on the fetus.
Smoking cannabis in pregnancy, or taking it in any other way, can lead to irreversible damage to the child’s central nervous system (changes in the brain structure, cognitive and behavioral alterations and alteration of the normal expression of genetic makeup).
CBD weed appears to be highly discouraged for pregnant women as it contains THC, even if in small quantities. Therefore the health of the child would, in any case, be endangered.
But among the main metabolites of cannabis, there is also CBD. What do the studies say about its employment?
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The effects of CBD on pregnancy
Unlike THC, CBD (cannabidiol), the other major metabolite contained in CBD flowers, has no particular contraindications during pregnancy.
Indeed, the European Study of Pharmacology has published for some time, in 2004, a series of studies according to which the intake of CBD is not only a remedy against all the symptoms that afflict pregnant women, but promotes fetal development and newborn growth.
In particular, the CBD is fundamental for the stimulation of the endocannabinoid CB1, of which it is antagonist, fundamental for the process of physiological development of the nervous and cerebral system in the pre- and post-natal phase.
As regards, instead, the mother, the anxiolytic, anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects of the CBD could prove to be the only relief that is compatible with the pregnancy and that represents any threat to the fetus.
Contrary to the trend recorded in research prior to the new millennium, the international community of scientists and scholars is becoming increasingly interested in cannabidiol and the therapeutic effects of CBD cannabis.
In particular, numerous researches and experiments in the laboratory have reported that CBD does not involve alterations to the normal physiological development of the embryo but, thanks to its muscle relaxation action, it greatly facilitates the overcoming of the labor phase.
The antidepressant and anxiolytic action, on the other hand, could (if the studies confirm that the CBD does not negatively affect the breastfeeding phase) allow the mothers to overcome even the problems that may arise after the birth.
CBD consumption during breastfeeding
Research on the human endocannabinoid system (ECS) is still ongoing.
In 2015, the Academy of Breastfeeding Medicine (ABM) published a list of guidelines on cannabis use: the absence of data necessary to be able to clearly outline the real influence of CBD on the baby during the breastfeeding phase is highlighted.
It is advised to be cautious before using CBD during the breastfeeding phase, although surveys report that about 10-20% of doctors have maternal patients who used cannabis during breastfeeding.
As we have said, for now, accurate analyzes lacking the effects of pre rolled CBD on the newborn and of the importance of the endocannabinoid CB1 are lacking.
At the moment, however, it has been noticed that another endocannabinoid plays a fundamental role in the newborn: 2-AG, in fact, stimulates the feeding and activates the muscles of the tongue, which is fundamental during breastfeeding.
Research is currently investigating the links between CBD and endocannabinoid 2-AG and CB1 in the early stages of a child’s life.
Read also: Marijuana CBD: here are the opinions of our clients.

Taking CBD during pregnancy: oils and creams
As THC has proven to be too aggressive and not suitable for developing the fetus, the intake of CBD during pregnancy cannot occur through the consumption of legal weed.
CBD buds, in fact, contains percentages of THC, although in almost insignificant concentrations (at most 0.2%), which is why it is not recommended in any case for intake.
What, however, can be assumed is the CBD oil, with CBD content variable based on the solution with olive oil.
Keep in mind the type of oil, if made from pure CBD crystals, or if it is a full-spectrum oil.
In the case of full-spectrum oil, it is necessary to carefully note the other cannabinoids present: in general, it is more recommended because of the auxiliary action of CBD of other cannabis substances, but in case of pregnancy it is necessary to try to avoid THC.
The cannabis cbd oil can easily be taken in capsules, in drops (which you can find on Justbob) or used to massage the body.