JustBob Blog: news and curiosity from the CBD Flower world

What is cannabigerol, and what role does it play in cannabis?

Published on: 25/07/2024

DO YOU WANT TO KNOW MORE ABOUT CANNABIGEROL? HERE ARE THE IMPORTANT INFORMATION ABOUT THIS OTHER CANNABINOID In addition to CBD and THC, marijuana and CBD cannabis plants also produce many other cannabinoids you surely never heard of. One of these that has recently become the subject of studies and experiments is cannabigerol, also called CBG. Why are we talking so […]

Cannabis decarboxylation

Published on: 20/07/2024

DECARBOXYLATION OF CANNABIS: HERE’S HOW IT WORKS Have you ever cooked with cannabis or prepared herbal extracts, only to find that you did not get the desired effect? This could be due to the fact that you have not decarboxylated the cannabis properly. Without this vital step, the active ingredients, such as THC and CBD, will […]

Full-spectrum CBD oil

Published on: 15/07/2024

EVERYTHING YOU SHOULD KNOW ABOUT THE POTENTIAL OF FULL-SPECTRUM OIL Cannabis is often at the centre of heated debates, mainly because of the addictive effects it unleashes on those who use it. But recently, the benefits it brings are also finally receiving due attention. In particular, the beneficial properties of one of its two main active ingredients […]

Aggressive dogs and CBD oil

Published on: 10/07/2024

WHY CBD OIL CAN HELP YOUR DOG BE LESS AGGRESSIVE AND WHAT OTHER POSITIVE EFFECTS THIS PRODUCT HAS ON YOUR FAITHFUL COMPANION Aggressive behavior from a dog living in the house can be a real torment: on the one hand, there is a constant risk of being attacked, which can sometimes lead to particularly serious […]

Bediol: what you need to know

Published on: 05/07/2024

WHAT IS BEDIOL, WHEN CAN IT BE USED AND WHAT SCIENCE HAS FOUND OUT ABOUT THIS PRODUCT? Interest in natural remedies is growing year on year. As a result, the web is full of people searching for alternatives to traditional medicines to treat themselves without the risk of unpleasant side effects. Cannabis has succeeded in attracting the interest […]

Hemp harvest: how and when to harvest?

Published on: 30/06/2024

SEPTEMBER IS THE BEST TIME OF THE YEAR TO HARVEST HEMP. BUT BE CAREFUL OF THE METHOD: THERE IS A DIFFERENCE BETWEEN HARVESTING BY HAND AND WITH MACHINES Hemp harvesting is a very delicate matter, and professionals know this all too well. So if you’re here to try to understand exactly how this works, keep […]

Cannabinoids: short and long-term effects

Modified on: 25/07/2024

ABOUT CANNABINOIDS AND THEIR EFFECTS: THIS OCCURS IMMEDIATELY AND IN THE CASE OF LONG-TERM INTAKE Regarding CBD cannabis and illegal marijuana, the focus is always on the effects that cannabinoids in it can have on the body, including CBD, THC and CBG. In particular, many wonders whether these substances, when taken for a long consecutive period, can, […]

Positive and negative effects of cannabis

Modified on: 22/07/2024

BENEFITS AND CONTRAINDICATIONS OF LEGAL HEMP AND HIGH THC HEMP The consequences of marijuana use are very controversial because they can be both positive and negative depending on the case. The positive and negative effects of cannabis depend primarily on the quantity, the psychophysical state of the user and the consumption habit; Additionally, some people […]

How is CBD oil produced?

Modified on: 15/07/2024

TODAY IT IS POSSIBLE TO GUARANTEE A HIGH LEVEL OF QUALITY AND PURITY OF THE EXTRACTED PRODUCT WITHOUT RESOURCE TO CLASSIC ORGANIC SOLVENTS, TOXIC TO HUMAN BEINGS AND THE ENVIRONMENT Due to alleged health effects and favorable legislation, the demand for marijuana and CBD products has grown exponentially in recent years. Among marijuana derivatives, CBD […]

Cannabinoid Extraction: the best method for extracting CBD

Modified on: 10/07/2024

DEEP EXTRACTION OF CANNABINOIDS: DISCOVER WHICH IS THE BEST METHOD AND WHAT THE DIFFERENCES ARE FROM OTHER, LESS POWERFUL TECHNIQUES Lately we have been hearing a lot about cannabinoids, substances extracted from light cannabis, and in particular about CBD or cannabidiol, a substance with a thousand positive properties and no narcotic effects. However, before purchasing […]