CBD Oil: Let’s Discover What It Really Is

CBD oil has gained increasing popularity in recent years, but what exactly is it? CBD, short for cannabidiol, is a natural compound found in the cannabis plant. Unlike THC, another compound in cannabis known for its psychoactive effects, CBD does not cause any of them and is legal in many countries. CBD oil is an extract obtained from the cannabis plant and contains high concentrations of CBD. This extract is used for a variety of purposes, including pain relief, anxiety management, improved sleep, and much more. However, there are still many questions about its effectiveness and safety, and scientific research continues to explore its potential.

The Origins of CBD Oil

The concept of CBD oil refers to liquid extracts obtained from the flowers of industrial hemp. These solutions contain a rich concentration of cannabinoids, especially CBD, released during the flowering phase of the plant and subsequently extracted through various methodologies. Currently, under the definition of CBD oil, a variety of liquids with different compositions and extraction processes are identified. However, they all share their origin from the Cannabis Sativa L. plant and a high content of CBD, which generally ranges from 5% to 30%. This product represents a significant innovation, emerging following the widespread distribution of hemp flowers and CBD; in fact, the first high-concentration CBD oils began to be produced from 2017 onwards.

What Are the Differences with Hemp Oil?

Currently, there is some ambiguity regarding the actual composition of hemp-derived oils, as products extracted from plants have a wide range of characteristics. The first type of product worth mentioning is hemp oil. This oil, often confused with CBD oil, is extracted directly from the seeds of the hemp plant. The resulting liquid, known as hemp oil, closely resembles olive oil, with an almost negligible cannabinoid content and very different health benefits. Hemp oil is marketed as a food product, as it is devoid of cannabinoids, and has characteristics similar to other seed oils commonly used in cooking. On the other hand, CBD oil is a distinctive product, rich in cannabinoids and active ingredients, with unique beneficial properties that we are only beginning to understand.

Where and How Is CBD Oil Extracted?

CBD oil is primarily extracted from hemp plants, particularly from their flowers and leaves. The extraction process can vary, but the most common method is supercritical CO2 extraction. This method uses carbon dioxide in a supercritical state to extract cannabinoids and other desired compounds from the hemp plant while maintaining the integrity of the active ingredients. Other extraction methods include the use of solvents such as ethanol or olive oil, but supercritical CO2 is generally considered the safest and most effective method for obtaining high-quality CBD oil. After extraction, CBD oil can be further purified and concentrated to produce oils of different potency and purity, suitable for a variety of therapeutic and recreational uses.

What Is CBD?

CBD is a natural extract without psychoactive effects and does not cause dependence, being devoid of THC. This makes it legal and increasingly used in the pharmaceutical field. It is widely recognized for its therapeutic properties, including the potential to relax the body. It is important to note that, unlike THC, CBD does not have psychoactive effects, but still offers significant benefits for physical well-being. The publication of the World Health Organization has confirmed that CBD is not toxic, does not create dependence, and has potential promising therapeutic properties.

What Are the Beneficial Properties of Cannabidiol?

According to the World Health Organization, CBD does not have psychoactive effects or cause dependence, unlike THC, and has been excluded from the list of narcotic substances.
Furthermore, the organization has recognized that the human body tolerates CBD well, and significant side effects have not been observed, which are usually related to misuse or interaction with other drugs.
One of the reasons why CBD is increasingly considered in the therapeutic field is its potent anti-inflammatory action, which involves various parts of the body such as the respiratory, urinary, and digestive systems. Cannabidiol is also an effective pain reliever, useful for relieving muscle spasms, including those associated with multiple sclerosis. It has also been shown to reduce rheumatic and muscular pain, not only in humans but also in pets such as dogs and cats. Additionally, CBD acts as a muscle relaxant, so it is often used by athletes during the recovery phase. Women appreciate it for its help in combating abdominal cramps, menstrual pain, and mood swings associated with premenstrual syndrome. Moreover, by acting as a hormone modulator, CBD can reduce symptoms associated with menopause and prevent the formation of fibrocysts. Many people have experienced significant benefits from using CBD to treat migraines, headaches, and back pain.

Are There Any Contraindications or Side Effects?

Research conducted by the World Health Organization has shown that CBD is generally well-tolerated and has a high safety profile when used in extracts. However, even natural substances can cause side effects if taken in excessive doses or in particularly sensitive individuals.
Although cannabidiol can cause mild side effects, such as dry mouth, these have been rarely observed and have been associated with high doses of CBD. Another potential side effect of CBD is a feeling of tiredness, as it acts as a relaxing agent. Additionally, some people may experience an increase in appetite as a side effect of CBD. It is always advisable to consult a doctor before using CBD and start with low doses to assess one’s response.