Alcohol vs Cannabis: how marijuana can help treat alcohol dependency.

Alkohol vs. Cannabis and CBD

Modified on: 19/04/2024


Year after year, new studies are conducted on cannabis, light CBD cannabis and medical cannabis.

Each state regarding the use of these products has its own laws. There are places where marijuana use is legal and others where it can only be taken with a very low THC content or at the doctor’s request.

However, what we want to talk about in this article is the combination of alcohol vs cannabis. A combination often referred to for both good and evil.

As far as both substances are concerned, a study in Canada has caused a sensation, apparently revealing that the use of medical cannabis could significantly reduce alcohol consumption.

Could the same thing happen with the legalisation of marijuana in all states?

Here are the results of this study and its consequences.

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Medical Cannabis versus Alcoholism

Medical Cannabis versus Alcoholism: Here is the incredible study conducted in Canada.

For some time now, various studies have been conducted in different parts of the world to show how cannabis use can counter excessive alcohol use.

The main objective is to limit abstinence’s effects to ensure that people with this addiction can avoid frequent relapses.

In this case, we will not talk about CBD buds, but about medical hemp, which is used under the doctor’s supervision as an alternative remedy for specific pathologies.

Back to the studies on the subject: in 2013 already, in America, the extent of the use of medical cannabis had influenced the decrease in alcohol consumption and the number of fatal accidents.

Recently, however, a study conducted by a group of researchers from the University of Victoria and British Columbia made headlines.

These researchers involved more than 2,000 patients who joined Canada’s innovative medical cannabis program.

About half of the participants reported using alcohol at least 10 times in the previous year (12 months). It is ideal for understanding the correlation between alcohol and cannabis.

Here is what came out after starting hemp therapy :

  • 419 people (44%) reported a decrease in their alcohol consumption in one month ;
  • 323 people in one week found that they drank significantly less than usual.

Among other things, this “alternative therapy” was positively received even by younger patients. The good results suggest that it is an excellent way to reduce and stop alcohol consumption even in the most complicated cases.

It is excellent news given that in North America, alcohol consumption is very common. Besides, it is often associated with high rates of crime and death from road accidents.

Therefore, if medical cannabis therapy succeeds in achieving the desired results, it will benefit the patients and the entire community.

Alcohol multinationals against the legalisation of cannabis: a confrontation that confirms the effects of hemp and CBD flowers.

In America, hemp’s legalisation has given rise to a phenomenon that seems to confirm how useful the effects of this plant can be in countering excessive alcohol consumption.

What has happened is that the alcohol multinationals have begun to oppose the legalisation of this plant. They were even going so far as to fund activists against it.

This position is that CBD flower consumption could replace large slices of the market linked to the purchase of alcohol.

It is the case and studies showing that the plant could reduce the desire to consume alcohol. Trade-related studies indicate that especially beer and spirits consumers could partially replace drinks with weed.

Read also: Why is it still possible to buy marijuana online?

General effects of North American phenomena

General effects of North American phenomena

The studies carried out by the University and the position taken by multinational alcoholics in North America have substantially impacted the entire world community, which does not yet foresee the legal use of marijuana.

In many parts of the world, some would favour using hemp to reduce alcohol consumption and those who would be against it because of their own interests.

The evidence speaks for itself. Marijuana could help those who are dependent on alcohol. Some believe that cannabis can even act as a neuro-protection for alcohol damage in the brain stem. A theory also published in the “Journal of Neuroscience”.

It is known that alcohol generally disrupts the natural neurochemical balance of the brain. At the same time, medical hemp could act as a regulator of processes that affect brain chemistry, especially in the most challenging moments of abstinence.

Of course, in this article, we report the data from some research, but although the data is encouraging, studies are continuing. In any case, the decision to use marijuana to combat alcohol dependence should only be taken on medical advice.

Alcohol versus cannabis: in conclusion.

After this in-depth study of the studies in America, we can only hope that the best solution will be found for people suffering from alcohol dependence.

In this sense, only researchers and doctors can express themselves, but in general, it is known that marijuana also has many other advantages, including its unique scent.

In this sense, if you want to smell the aromas of the legal CBD weed and its derivatives (pre rolled joint and CBD oil). All you have to do is visit our online shop to buy CBD flowers in Switzerland and online.

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